Tag Archives: digital

Looking ahead to 2022

Posted on: January 5, 2022 by Alexander Herman

Is it really time to make predictions? With the uncertainty that has accompanied these last two years, likely not. As I said last year, prognostication is a perilous enterprise. What can really be said about the year ahead without including a major asterisk? So let us instead try a more modest approach, by going over […]

Funding of the arts – meeting the sector’s needs in changing times

Posted on: July 6, 2020 by Charlotte Dunn

The UK culture sector woke up to some good news today, with a Government announcement of a ‘world-leading’ £1.57 billion rescue package, set to benefit thousands of organisations suffering the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The funding of arts organisations has never been more relevant. With world-famous cultural institutions, such as Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, warning […]

Art & IP Diploma course in London – 10-12 June 2015

Posted on: April 10, 2015 by Ruth Redmond-Cooper

Back by popular demand, radehe IAL’s Diploma in Intellectual Property & Collections (DipIPC) Course will be run again this year over three full days in London, from the 10th to the 12th of June 2015. The course will cover all areas of IP that affect the art world and is designed for museum professionals and others in […]