Tag Archives: courses

2022: Year in Review

Posted on: December 19, 2022 by Alexander Herman

2022 was a year of great change, both in the world at large and for art law in particular. We saw the end of most of the worst effects of the covid pandemic, accompanied by what appears to be a final farewell to the era of lockdowns. We saw war in Europe for the first […]

Looking ahead to 2022

Posted on: January 5, 2022 by Alexander Herman

Is it really time to make predictions? With the uncertainty that has accompanied these last two years, likely not. As I said last year, prognostication is a perilous enterprise. What can really be said about the year ahead without including a major asterisk? So let us instead try a more modest approach, by going over […]

IAL’s first online diploma course completed

Posted on: October 13, 2020 by Emily Gould

We were delighted to welcome an enthusiastic group of students to our online Diploma in Law and Collections Management last week. The silver lining of us not being able to get together in the same room this year was that students from as far and wide as Singapore, Australia and the UAE could more easily […]

Starting the new academic year: upcoming Study Forum and Diploma course

Posted on: September 10, 2020 by Julia Rodrigues Casella Hommes

We are all excited at IAL to start a new academic year and cannot think of a better way to brush off the cobwebs from lockdown and the summer break than by joining our upcoming (virtual) Study Forum, to be held this Saturday the 12th of September, as well as our Diploma in Law and […]

Looking ahead to 2020

Posted on: January 14, 2020 by Alexander Herman

Like we did last year, we are keen to use this opportunity to have a look at what lies ahead. For one, 2020 seems to offer much change for the art world on the regulatory front. This is bookended by two major changes in the UK (and indeed across Europe) that have their source in […]

Recent IAL training: British Museum, Oxford and Qatar

Posted on: October 29, 2019 by Alexander Herman

The past month has been a busy one at the IAL. Not only did we run our annual Diploma in Law and Collections Management in London and a Saturday Study Forum, but we also provided a series of in-house training sessions in the UK and Qatar. We began developing these sessions over the last year […]

Interview with IAL Alumna Kathy Richmond, Registrar at the Museum of London

Posted on: September 3, 2019 by Kiri Cragin Folwell

Kathy Richmond, Registrar at the Museum of London, participated in our Diploma in Art Law and Collections Management. Read about her background working with National and non-National museums in the UK and her experience studying on the Diploma course at the Institute of Art and Law. Can you tell us a little bit about your […]

Interview with IAL Alumnus Rudy Capildeo, English solicitor

Posted on: August 13, 2019 by Kiri Cragin Folwell

Rudy Capildeo, Partner at Wedlake Bell, participated in our Diploma in Art Profession Law and Ethics. Read about his first large transaction with a $20m Old Master picture and experience studying on the Diploma course at the Institute of Art and Law. Can you tell us a little bit about your career and background? I […]

Two IAL Courses Running in Australia in July

Posted on: April 4, 2019 by Kiri Cragin Folwell

We are excited to announce that the Institute of Art and Law, in collaboration with the Australasian Registrars Committee, will be running two of its most popular courses in Australia this year in July. Diploma in Law and Collections Management The five-day Diploma in Law and Collections Management course will run in Melbourne from 8 […]

Seminar on International Art Transactions

Posted on: May 26, 2015 by Nina M. Neuhaus

On 13 May, the Institute of Art and Law with the generous support of Maurice Turnor Gardner LLP hosted a seminar exploring a variety of legal issues surrounding international art transactions. Here is a brief summary: The first speaker was Professor Norman Palmer (3 Stone Buildings), who discussed the various risks associated with the international transfer of cultural […]