Tag Archives: authenticity

The Spies-Ernst case: Art experts in France can breathe a sigh of relief

Posted on: January 27, 2016 by Judith Bouchardeau and Mathilde Roellinger

The discovery of the art forgery scandal perpetrated by Wolfang Beltracchi has given rise to a number of legal proceedings. The recent decision of the Court of Appeal of Versailles, involving art expert Werner Spies and a painting attributed to Max Ernst, is among them. The facts are as follows. At the 2004 Paris Biennale […]

Recent authenticity dispute in Australia

Posted on: January 9, 2015 by Alexander Herman

Judgment was rendered last month by the Supreme Court of New South Wales in the case of McBride v Christie’s Australia. The case involved the auction sale of a painting by Australian modernist artist Albert Tucker in May 2000 to a barrister named Louise McBride for AUD $75,000. Later, in 2010, when McBride made arrangements to sell the […]

Art and Antiquities Study Forum – 28 June 2014

Posted on: June 6, 2014 by Ruth Redmond-Cooper

There will be an IAL Art and Antiquities Study Forum held in central London on 28 June 2014. It will be an all-day event. Topics to be discussed include authenticity and valuation disputes; handling stolen goods; international conventions; art, freedom of expression and human rights; human remains in museums. Speakers include Kevin Chamberlain (barrister), Dick Ellis […]