Fight to save historic battlefield

Posted on: January 10, 2014 by

A campaign is afoot to try to stop the sale of fields which were the site of an historic battle. The 10.5 acre fields were the location of the Battle of Tewkesbury in 1471, in which Richard III fought as the then 18-year-old Duke of Gloucester. Members of Tewkesbury Battlefield Society are seeking to amass between £120,000 and £150,000 to buy the fields – the estimated value of the site, by 3rd February, in the form of sealed bids.  The Society is concerned that, although it is a registered battlefield, a property developer might buy it and prevent public access – paving the way for development in the future.

Campaigners are hoping to have the Gastons declared a Designated Community Asset, under the Localism Act 2011, which should give them up to six months to find the money to buy it, under the Community Right to Bid. They have set up a steering group to push forward action in the next few weeks.

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