Study Forum in London – 12 October 2019

Posted on: September 6, 2019 by

On Saturday 12 October 2019 we will be holding an all-day study forum in London, running from 9.45 am to 5pm. The event will be hosted at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies (CCLS), Queen Mary University of London, at 67-69 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, WC2A 3JB.

The event will consist of a variety of talks from a number of different speakers, each covering a specific area related to art and cultural heritage law, including:

‘Attribution disputes before the courts’ by Lisette Aguilar (Keystone Law, former Associate General Counsel and Senior Director at Sotheby’s)

‘The law of agency in the art world’ by Richard Edwards QC (barrister, 3 Verulam Buildings)

‘Sovereign immunity as it relates to art and cultural heritage’ by Luke Tattersall (barrister, Essex Court Chambers)

‘Provenance research and spoliation’ by Dr Jacques Schuhmacher (Gilbert Provenance and Spoliation Curator, Victoria & Albert Museum)

‘The new Anti-Money Laundering rules and how they impact the art trade’ by Julia Rodrigues Casella Hommes (Researcher, IAL)

‘Copyright and appropriation art’ by Maryam Parsioon (Queen Mary University of London)

With more to be confirmed shortly!


Attendance is priced at £144.00 (inc. VAT) for non-members or £72.00 (inc. VAT) for IAL members (and UKRG members). Members should make use of their coupon code at checkout. If you forget your code, please email the address below.

The study forum is eligible for 5 CPD points. The contact email for this event is:

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About Alexander Herman

Alexander is Director of the Institute of Art and Law. He is author of the books 'The Parthenon Marbles Dispute – Heritage, Law Politics' and 'Restitution – The Return of Cultural Artefacts'. You can find him on X @artlawalex and on LinkedIn.