Curators of new Cairo museum accused of stealing ancient artefacts

Posted on: June 13, 2015 by

Two curators at as yet unopened National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo have been arrested for allegedly stealing two ancient artefacts and replacing them with replicas. The Egyptian Government is receiving advice from UNESCO in establishing the Museum which will be the first to be devoted to the entirety of Egyptian civilization and is due to open later this year. The two curators were detained for allegedly removing antiquities from the new museum’s extensive storerooms and replacing them with fakes: reports differ as to exactly what was taken. The pair were arrested following the discovery of stolen Islamic artefacts that were being offered for sale in London. Security at the new museum had been reported to be highly sophisticated following the looting that has occurred in the wake of recent political unrest, and the Museum is reported to be now undertaking a full inventory of its holdings.