Author Archives: Andrea Martín Alacid

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About Andrea Martín Alacid

Andrea Martín Alacid is an Art and Cultural Property Lawyer at Uría Menéndez (Madrid, Spain). With professional experience in both London and Madrid, she works in the Digital Law area, holds a Master’s Degree in ADR and a Specialist Degree in Art Market Law. She has recently authored two articles on Immersive Exhibitions and IP and AI and Art Authentication.

The Journey of the Frescoes from the Hermitage of San Baudelio de Berlanga (Spain) through Time

Posted on: May 28, 2024 by Andrea Martín Alacid

It was not until the end of the nineteenth century that Spain’s interest in its heritage began to awaken. A heritage that was ageing, reviled and unknown by many. Spain’s drive to protect its heritage at the beginning of the twentieth century resulted in extensive legislation on the safeguarding of historical heritage. Nevertheless, the regulatory […]