Art, Antiquity and Law December 2005


Volume X, Issue 4 (December 2005)


We Need to Lay our Ancestors to Rest: Repatriation of Indigenous
Human Remains and the Human Rights Act
Kevin Chamberlain

Criminal and Victim Profiles in Art Theft:
Motive, Opportunity and Repeat Victimisation
Protect Traditional Cultural Expressions
Simon Mackenzie

Much Ado About Cultural Databases
Gertrude M. Prescott

Case Note

Keeping the Score:
India v. Credit Agricole Suisse
Isabelle Fellrath Gazzini

Index and Tables
(Compiled by Holly Rich)
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes


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Complete Volume (four issues) is £180 for subscribers to Art Antiquity and Law – Shipping is free within UK | £15 shipped within the EU | £25 rest of the world.

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